Contribution to the revision of the ETS State aid guidelines

February 2020 - Glass for Europe

Contribution to the revision of the ETS State aid guidelines

Contribution to the revision of the ETS State aid guidelines On 14 January 2020, the European Commission released a public consultation on draft EU guidelines on certain State aid measures in the context of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme, hereinafter the ‘draft ETS State aid guidelines’. The consultation suggests an approach for the


Position paper on the proposed new Climate Law

Position paper on the proposed new Climate Law The first step towards carbon neutrality Glass for Europe, the trade association of Europe’s flat glass sector, welcomes the proposal from the European Commission to enshrine in law the objective for the EU to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050. The flat glass sector has embraced the climate neutrality


Flat Glass in Climate-Neutral Europe

The flat glass sector is indispensable to the massive decarbonisation of the building, transport and energy sectors, which represent the lion’s share of Europe’s CO2 emissions. Flat glass manufacturing is also an energy-intensive activity. The sector takes it as its duty to reduce its own CO2 emissions, which represents a significant challenge in moving towards