A Circular Economy Act to support flat glass closed-loop recycling systems

Recycling Archives - Glass for Europe

A Circular Economy Act to support flat glass closed-loop recycling systems

September 2023 A Circular Economy Act to support flat glass closed-loop recycling systems Supporting the flat glass sector to enable sustainable transformations in advanced materials Flat glass products are essential to Europe’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, helping to save energy in buildings, supporting the transition to clean mobility and contributing to the efficient generation


Manifesto 2024-2029: Incentivise the recycling of old glazing

Recycling is very high on the agenda of Europe’s flat glass manufacturers, and they are calling on policymakers to follow suit. The new video of Glass for Europe’ 2024-2029 manifesto introduces the conditions to create a closed-loop recycling system which can contribute to save raw materials and reduce carbon emissions in glass production. Flat glass


Glass for Europe releases a paper on reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of flat glass.

When it comes to end-of-life flat glass management, several options can be envisioned to process used glass most sustainably. Glass for Europe has produced a paper on the possibilities and constraints related to the practices of reuse and remanufacturing. The paper also highlights the potential of flat glass recycling as a sustainable end-of-life management option.