SIGAB glas-termin | rencontre-verre 2024

The SIGAB glas-termin | rencontre-verre 2024 will take place on 29 August 2024 at the Zurich Insurance Group’s historic headquarters in Zurich.

The focus is on building sufficiency – not just for economic reasons, but also for ecological ones. The latest findings from research and the application of glass in construction play an important role in this paradigm shift.

At the 3rd glas-termin | rencontre-verre, specialists from leading institutions such as ETH Zürich and EPFL will be presenting the latest findings from Swiss research and applications in construction and architecture. In addition, experts from the renowned TU Darmstadt and Glass of Europe will be giving presentations on innovations in glass as a building material, as well as on current sustainability trends and regulatory developments at European level. Established façade designers and builders will be giving insights into innovative projects. SIGAB’s glass construction specialists will also be sharing important information on the newly published SIGAB guidelines.

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Date: August, 29, 2024
City: Zürich, Switzerland
Venue: Quai Zurich Campus
Address: Breitingerstrasse 7, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland