Dismantling automotive glass is a mandatory step to increase recycling of end-of-life vehicles

Circular economy Archives - Glass for Europe

Economic study on recycling of building glass in Europe – Deloitte

Economic study on recycling of building glass in Europe – Deloitte As European authorities look into ways to make the concept of a ‘Circular Economy’ real in the construction sector, a new study of Deloitte Sustainability analyses the present situation in the management and recycling of end-of-life building glass in the EU. This study, commissioned


Recycled Content of flat glass for LEED Certification

Glass for Europe statement on Recycled Content of flat glass for LEED Certification. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a rating system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, which aims to promote sustainable buildings, by awarding credit points in different categories. It addresses, amongst others, reduction of energy use, improvement to the


EU waste legislation & building glass recycling

EU waste legislation & building glass recycling Adapting the Waste Framework and Landfill Directives to increase glass recycling At a time when Europe’s flat glass manufacturers are faced with high energy costs, grasping the energy saving potential associated with an increase use of recycled glass could become a cost-effective solution to support industrial competitiveness. By


Recycling of end-of-life building glass

Recycling of end-of-life building glass Glass for Europe’s contribution The increased attention paid to resource efficiency, sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable buildings has raised awareness of the potential of the building sector to contribute to Europe’s goals in these areas. The Resource Efficiency Roadmap[1]  identifies the building sector as one of the sectors