Joint Statement on the Commission’s End-of-Life Vehicles Regulation Proposal

ELV Directive Archives - Glass for Europe

Joint Statement on the Commission’s End-of-Life Vehicles Regulation Proposal

Joint Statement on the Commission’s End-of-Life Vehicles Regulation Proposal 1. The case for mandatory glass dismantling Effective dismantling and sorting of automotive glass at the end of a vehicle’s life is a crucial step to enhance the circularity of this sector. This practice can also reduce raw material consumption by 1.2 tonnes for every tonne


Dismantling automotive glass is a mandatory step to increase recycling of end-of-life vehicles

June 2024 Dismantling automotive glass is a mandatory step to increase recycling of end-of-life vehicles Position on the revision of the End-of-Life of Vehicles Directive Flat glass components used in vehicles, e.g., windscreens, side windows, or panoramic sunroofs, enable users’ visibility, safety and comfort. If one dismantles and sorts automotive glass parts correctly at the