Glass for Europe at the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Glass

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Glass for Europe at the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Glass

On 14 December, Glass for Europe was at the Glass Palace of the United Nations, New York, for the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Glass 2022. The event offered the opportunity to present to UN representatives the outcome of an intense year which celebrated glass, its industry, and its contribution to the UN


Glass Makers and Stakeholders Mark 2022 UN International Year of Glass

Brussels, 18 November 2022:   The United Nations designated 2022 as the International Year of Glass, the first time a man-made material was chosen for worldwide attention. On 16 November, Glass Alliance Europe marked the occasion with an event gathering policy makers and stakeholders at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European


Glass for Europe at “VIDRIO Y SUSTENTABILIDAD” seminar

“High-performance glazing in EU building policy” was the topic presented yesterday, 28 August 2022, by Glass for Europe at the seminar “VIDRIO Y SUSTENTABILIDAD: Contribución del vidrio en el diseño eficiente” organized by VASA and AGBC (Argentina Green Building Council) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event, held in the framework of the International Year of Glass


Let’s get the Fitfor55 package right to trigger the much-needed virtuous cycle of decarbonisation

Europe is now at a critical junction in shaping its energy transition, only accelerated due to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. Europe’s flat glass industry needs to face today’s energy crisis, and, with adequate support, will emerge stronger to support Europe’s transition towards climate neutrality. Thirty years since the adoption of the first global


Glass for Europe at the International Year of Glass opening ceremony

Today, the Chairman of Glass for Europe Philippe Bastien was at the Palace of Nations in Geneva for the opening ceremony of the International Year of Glass. His speech was a time travel which took participants back to 1990 and forward to 2050: from the last 30 years of  flat glass industry evolution and to


The need for flat glass recycling at the NGA Glass Conference

Glass for Europe was in Long Beach, California for the NGA Glass Conference. The event organized by NGA – National Glass Association takes place twice a year and brings together peers from across the North American flat glass supply chain. As part of the International Year of Glass, the event offered the opportunity to strengthen