Renovation Week organised by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU

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Manifesto 2024-2029: Boost Windows Replacement

To mark the start of the Renovation week organized by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Glass for Europe releases the second video of its policy Manifesto, focusing on the importance and benefits of windows and glazing upgrades in buildings. This 15 January is an important date to highlight the importance and


Glass for Europe contributes to the Stakeholder Request Mechanism on the EU Taxonomy

On 15 December, Glass for Europe contributed to the Stakeholder Request Mechanism on the EU Taxonomy launched by the Platform on Sustainable Finance and the European Commission. The EU taxonomy is a classification system which aims at providing clarity on what environmentally sustainable activities are and under which circumstances. Since the regulation entered into force


New Construction Products Regulation: a political agreement was found

On 13 December, a political agreement was reached by the EU Parliament, the Council of the EU, and the EU Commission, on the revision of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Glass for Europe welcomes this achievement which will be crucial to enable the putting of safe, efficient, and sustainable construction products on the EU single


Launch of the flat glass industry policy manifesto for Europe 2024-2029

Executives from Glass for Europe member companies introduce the challenges and opportunities faced by Europe’s flat glass sector and present concrete policy priorities for the next mandate. Today, the first of a series of five videos is released to mark the launch of the flat glass industry policy manifesto for Europe for the next five


Glass for Europe at the 2023 Sustainable Solar Power Conference

Earlier today, Iva Ganev, Environment & Climate Policy Manager of Glass for Europe, joined a panel discussion of the 2023 Sustainable Solar Power conference.   This year is the second edition of the Sustainable Solar Power conference. It was opened by several keynote interventions including from Walburga Hemetsberger from Solar Power Europe and European Commission


Glass for Europe at the Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit, SIPS2023

On December 1, Bertrand Cazes, Glass for Europe Secretary General, participated in the Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit 2023 conference on sustainability through science. Bertrand Cazes co-chaired one of the sessions on glass sustainability and presented the Glass for Europe 2050 vision on flat glass in climate-neutral Europe. One specific intervention by Mr Niels Schreuder was


Joana Arreguy participates to the EU Clean Transition Dialogue on industry with EC President and Executive Vice-President

Today, Glass for Europe’s Chairwoman Joana Arreguy from Saint-Gobain took part in the Clean Transition Dialogue on Energy Intensive Industries. This meeting was the second of a series of high-level dialogues launched by EC President Von der Leyen. Glass for Europe thanks the European Commission President for involving the glass industry in this dialogue and


A new Industrial Emissions Directive in sight

On 29 November, EU institutions have reached an agreement for a revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive. This directive is very important for flat glass manufacturers. It sets conditions for the obtention of permits to operate industrial installations of importance, such as a float glass melting plant. It therefore acts as a license to operate


2023 Second Annual Meeting of Glass and Glazing National Associations

The second meeting of Glass for Europe’s National Partners Group took place on 22 November, bringing together national glass and glazing associations.   The meeting provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the latest developments in key legislative files that have a direct impact on their activities. Discussions focused mostly on the recasts of the